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Российские военные спутники

milstar: 1.Оптической/видовой разведки -------------------------------------- Платформа КА «Персона» базируется на КА «Ресурс-ДК http://www.ntsomz.ru/ks_dzz/satellites/resurs_dk1 Спутники используют круговую солнечно-синхронную орбиту наклонением 98° и высотой 750 км Срок активного существования 7 лет Общая масса спутника превышает 7 тонн Планирумый запуск Персона № 2 22.05.2013 РН «Союз-2.1б Плесецк ПУ № 4 площадки № 43 Планирумый запуск Персона № 3 Стоимость создания первого спутника оценивается в 5 млрд рублей 2. ... связи ----------------- КА «Гарпун» (индекс ГУКОС — 14Ф136) — военные спутники-ретрансляторы (СР), создаваемые для обеспечения оперативной ретрансляции больших объёмов цифровой информации с КА радиотехнической и видовой разведки Предшественник КА Поток Гарпун №1/Космос-2473 21.09.2011 Байконур «Протон-М» Пл. 81/24 80° в.д Так как новый спутник-ретранслятор призван заменить СР «Поток», то он, предположительно, будет использовать те же самые частоты и орбитальные позиции, что и КА «Поток» (POTOK-1 — 13,5°з.д., POTOK-2 — 80°в.д. и POTOK-3 — 168°в.д. КА «Меридиан» построен на базе усовершенствованной платформы Ураган-М, используемой в т. ч. на КА «Глонасс-М». Вес спутника составляет более 2000 кг. Срок активной эксплуатации КА «Меридиан-М» составляет 7 лет. Меридиан-М №18Л 30.07.2019 Меридиан-М №19Л 20.02.2020 live track Meridian-M 9 (No.19L) https://www.n2yo.com/?s=45254 Меридиан-М №20Л 22.03.2022 3 ... радиотехнической разведки (РТР) ------------------------------------------ КА «Лотос-С» 20.11.2009 14Ф138 «Лотос-С» Космос-2455 Плесецк СК 16/2 Союз-У План — до конца 2013 14Ф145 «Лотос-С1» 14Ф138 (Космос-2455) — первый из запущенных спутников пассивной РТР «Лотос-С», с неполной комплектацией целевой аппаратуры; 14Ф145 — спутники улучшенной серии «Лотос-С1» имеющие полный штатный комплект целевой аппаратуры. В составе с ракетой-носителем 14А14 «Союз-2» образует космический комплекс 14К159 Спутник создан кооперацией ЦНИРТИ (г. Москва), Машиностроительного завода «Арсенал» (г. Санкт-Петербург) и «ЦСКБ-Прогресс» (г. Самара). Гироскопические приборы для спутников созданы в НИИ Командных приборов (г. Санкт-Петербург)

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milstar: Payloads of the AEHF satellites The AEHF communication satellite’s anti-jam payload includes onboard signal processing, radio frequency equipment, crossbanded EHF/SHF communication antennas, routing and control software and hardware integral to the A2100 space vehicle. It consists of two uplink/downlink antennas, two SHF downlink phased arrays, two crosslinks, one uplink EHF phased array, uplink/downlink earth coverage horns, and six uplink downlink gimballed dish antennas. The payload controls the SHF downlink and crosslink functions, EHF uplinks, beam forming and onboard nulling. It also controls signal processing, time and frequency for extremely high, medium and low data rates of operation. https://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/advanced-extremely-high-frequency-aehf/

milstar: to : https://vm.ric.mil.ru/Redkollegiya copy for information to : KSA@iss-reshetnev.ru copy for information to ... re: 27 Dec 2023 Компания «РЕШЕТНЁВ» стала лауреатом ежегодной Национальной премии в области военно-технического сотрудничества «Золотая идея».Жюри отметило проект «Унифицированная платформа космического аппарата «Экспресс-4000». Технические решения, заложенные в разработке, применяются при создании спутников тяжёлого класса для предоставления различных видов услуг. https://vk.com/ao_reshetnev Война — отец всего, царь всего; одних она явила богами, других — людьми; одних она сделала рабами, других — свободными» (В 53). Гераклит «На войне, образ действий всегда должен иметь единственной целью использование собственных средств с наибольшим коэфициентом полезного действия... «Чтобы победить, надо сосредоточить главные силы на решающем направлении. Это исчерпывающим образом доказано тысячелетним опытом войны. Дуэ,(сентябрь 1928 г.) Концентрация сил должна рассматриваться как норма, а их рассредоточение – как исключение, требующее доказательств. Клаузевиц 1. важнейшие российские агломерации и ракетные армии расположены на линии Москва 55°45′21″ с. ш. 37°37′04″ в. д. Красноярск 56°00′43″ с. ш. 92°52′17″ в. д. 2. диапазоны наиболее устойчивыe к средствам радиоэлектронной борьбы 20 -44 Ghz ,крайне желательны большие угла места - наиболее устойчивыe к средствам радиоэлектронной борьбы , кроме того в условиях городской застройки необходима прямая видимость при ширине улицы 10 метров и высоте зданий 30 метров гарантированный минимальный угол места должен быть 72 градуса 24 часа в сутки 365 дней в году ....15 лет в этом случае спутник будет виден с одной из сторон улицы 3. для выполнения данного условия на всей линии Москва Красноярск необходимо всего три высококачественных спутника Орбита «Тундра» — один из типов высокой эллиптической орбиты с наклонением в 63,4° , перигеем approx 19 000 km и апогеем approx 52572 km аргумента перицентра ω = 270° в данном случае минимум один из трёх спутников в указанном регионе будет виден гарантированно с углом места более 72 градусов ====================================================================================== в близкорасположенных регионах углы места тоже будут очень высокими ================================================== 4. Единственный недостаток время задержки сигнала ################################## https://www.pprog.ru/upload/best_pr_2021/%D0%9A%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%8F%D1%80%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9%20%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B9/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B8/%D0%9A%D1%83%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%86%D0%BE%D0%B2%20%D0%A1.%D0%90._%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F%20%D0%9A%D0%9D%D0%A2%D0%9F%20%D0%93%D0%98%D0%A1%D0%A1_%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%80.pdf Кузнецов Станислав Александрович, Начальник отдела по инновационному развитию АО «ИСС» Высокоэнергетическая платформа Экспресс-4000, 25 Квт Крупногабаритная трансформируемая антенна до 40 м для КА на ГСО Крупногабаритная трансформируемая радарная антенна до 100 м 02.04.2008, 00:00 https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/871699 Россия становится производителем нового класса спутников, которые она пока не выпускает. Сегодня ни одна российская и даже ни одна европейская компания не производит спутники с мощностью энергопитания полезной нагрузки 14 кВт. При этом общая вырабатываемая мощность энергии на таком спутнике должна быть 18 кВт. 4 кВт нужно на работу систем платформы и для компенсации деградации фотопреобразователей солнечных батарей. До недавнего времени мы использовали технологии, разработанные 10-15 лет назад, неприменимые для зарубежных аппаратов. Из-за низкой надежности элементной базы мы устанавливали всю бортовую аппаратуру в герметичный контейнер. Эта схема сопряжена со сложными технологиями, обеспечивающими герметичность отсеков в течение длительного периода — до 10-12 лет. За рубежом, имея высоконадежную элементную базу, давно перешли на производство негерметичных спутников, на которых все приборы стоят на панелях в условиях открытого космоса. Мы только сейчас переходим на те же технологии негерметичных спутников. НПО ПМ по такой схеме сейчас строит платформы "Экспресс-1000" и "Экспресс-2000", спутники "Луч-5", ГЛОНАСС-К. Запад продолжает идти по пути негерметичных аппаратов — за 15 лет наши технологии им не понадобились. в России из-за отставания по вакуумной технике нет ни столь эффективных ламп "бегущей волны", ни приемников, ни ретрансляторов. Они в принципе есть, но худшего качества, чем зарубежные аналоги. Можно поставить на спутник и российскую полезную нагрузку. Но тогда гарантийный срок его активного существования будет не 15, а 10 лет. После модернизации мы эту платформу предлагаем и для высокоэллиптической орбиты.

milstar: Reliable X-Band and Ka-Band Deep Space Transmission https://gdmissionsystems.com/-/media/general-dynamics/space-and-intelligence-systems/pdf/small-deep-space-transponder-datasheet.ashx Radiation Total Dose 50 krads (Si) (part level), 100 krad optional https://gdmissionsystems.com/products/communications/spaceborne-communications/tracking-telemetry-and-control/small-deep-space-transponder https://gdmissionsystems.com/products/communications/spaceborne-communications/mission-data-links/x-band-solid-state-power-amplifier Mass: 3.02 lbs (1.37 kg) Radiation: to 100 krads (Si) Output Power: > 15 Watts (17 Watts typical) Output Power Variation: ±0.25 dB over any 50 MHz band Input Power: +1 dBm ±2 dB Input/Output Impedance: 50 ohms Input/Output VSWR: 1.5:1 maximum Source/Load VSWR: 1.75:1 maximum Output Protection: No damage, any VSWR, any phase Spurious Outputs: < 60 dBc Harmonic Outputs: < 30 dBc RF Breakdown Margin: > 6 dB @ VSWR of < 10:1, any phase https://gdmissionsystems.com/-/media/general-dynamics/space-and-intelligence-systems/pdf/spaceborne-x-band-sspa-datasheet.ashx To get to the asteroid Psyche, spacecraft Psyche will journey 2.2 billion miles over a nearly six-year General Dynamics Mission Systems’ Contributions to Psyche Small Deep Space TransponderGeneral Dynamics engineers in Scottsdale, Arizona, played an important role, supplying the spacecraft with two of our Small Deep Space Transponders (SDSTs), which will provide the redundant critical communications link between Earth and Psyche during the mission. https://gdmissionsystems.com/articles/2023/10/16/featured-story-general-dynamics-contributes-to-psyche-space-mission

milstar: X-band communication is the primary means of communication between the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and the 34-meter-diameter (112-foot) Deep Space Network antennas in California, Spain, and Australia. The X-band communication system on the orbiter uses a 3-meter-diameter (10-foot) high-gain antenna and a 100-watt X-band radio traveling wave tube amplifier to transmit signals to Earth. Each of these devices is more than twice as powerful as those used by most Mars missions. As a result, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is able to send data back to Earth more than 10 times faster than previous missions. At its maximum distance from Earth of about 250 million miles, the orbiter sends data at a rate of at least 500 kilobits per second. At closer ranges, the signal strength is greater, making higher data rates possible. For several months when Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is at its closest range of about 60 million miles, the orbiter sends data to Earth at 3 to 4 megabits per second. https://mars.nasa.gov/mro/mission/communications/commxband/ Amplifiers Located on the back side of the high-gain antenna is the enclosure for the Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers, which boost the power of the spacecraft's radio signals so they are strong enough to be detected by the Deep Space Network antennas. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has three amplifiers on board: two for the X-band radio frequency that transmit radio signals at a power of 100 watts (the second one is a backup to provide communications if the first one fails) one for the Ka-band radio frequency that is capable of transmitting at 35 watts.

milstar: The modulation scheme chosen for the mission affects the spectral efficiency of the link and the modulation order. Given that bandwidth and symbol rate is being constrained, this is especially important to include in the analysis. The modulation schemes considered in this study are listed in Table 1. The -25dB spectral efficiency values were taken from the CMLP report 6 for GMSK and offset quadrature phase shift keying (OQPSK) with varying square- root-raised-cosine (SRRC) pulse-shaping parameters, as per SFCG convention for deep-space.8 The tool is designed to consider one modulation choice at a time for the duration of the mission, which is selectable though its interface to adjust appropriate parameters characteristic of that modulation choice. In this way, it is very easy to compare the performance of different modulation schemes for the analysis. The tool also produces data that can be used to select the best modulation on a day-by-day basis throughout the mission, which is also considere D. Data Return Profile The chart in Figure 5 shows four mission data return profiles for a link using pre-coded GMSK (BT=0.25) modulation and bandwidth limits of 60 MHz, 100 MHz, 200 MHz, and 300 MHz. For these scenarios, the coding is selected to provide the highest data rate for a given contact time and G/T range, permitting use of any variant of code rates and block sizes included in Table 2. In this plot, the daily data return trace has been smoothed using a 7- day moving average. As seen in this mission profile, the effect of the bandwidth limitation is to constrain the maximum achievable data rate for the portion of the mission where Mars and Earth are closer. It is also possible for data rates to be limited by technology capabilities. For example, the maximum sample rate of the fastest space-rated DAC applies a bandwidth-like constraint to the link by limiting the maximum symbol rate. These other considerations are important when selecting a waveform and are discussed in further detail in section E. Choppiness in these profiles is a result of switching code rates as the link enters and exits the bandwidth- constrained regimes throughout the mission. As such, the code rates used in each situation depend on the allocated bandwidth. The data return profiles presented in Figure 5 all use rate-1/6 Turbo code during the power constrained parts of the mission, which occur over several months at the beginning and the end. With a 250 MHz allocation, the code rate never exceeds rate-1/3 over the course of the mission. With any lesser allocation, however, LDPC rate-1/2 is utilized. With allocations below 140 MHz, the links also use rate-2/3 LDPC, and below 85 MHz, also rate-4/5 LDPC. Ka-Band Link Study for iROC - NASA Technical Report 1 of 11 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Ka-band Link Study and Analysis for a Mars Hybrid RF/Optical Software Defined Radio Daniel J. Zeleznikar 1, Jennifer M. Nappier 2 , and Joseph A. Downey 3 National Aeronautics and Space Administration John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, Cleveland, Ohio 44135

milstar: https://www.winlab.rutgers.edu/~narayan/Course/WSID/Lectures02/lect11.pdf

milstar: Just like Curiosity, Perseverance has two main computers, or “brains”: One is active at any given time, while the other serves as a backup. Both use radiation-hardened RAD750 computers, and together, they’re referred to as Rover Compute Element A and B. Another RAD750 serves as a third “brain,” on Perseverance. Called the Vision Compute Element, it is equipped with a special card for analyzing images. This card has a Virtex-5 field programmable gate array (FPGA) and is the driving force behind Terrain-Relative Navigation and the Lander Vision System, which analyzes images of the landing site during descent and compares them to an onboard map to determine the rover’s position relative to the ground.

milstar: Key technical challenges: Lowest possible losses High power transmission in Ka- and V-band Water cooling of transmit paths Component size of very high frequency parts Precise and manufacturing process Tracking capability in Q-band Optimize antenna efficiency by shaping Key functionalities: Ka-band Tx (27.50 – 30.00 GHz) Q-band Rx & Trk (37.50 – 42.50 GHz) V-band Tx (47.20 – 51.40 GHz) Port-to-Port Isolation >17 dB Axial Ratio typ. <0.5 dB in all bands Power handling 1 kW (max. 250 W per port simult.) High Tx/Rx Isolation >120 dB Assembly of a batch of 4 Ka/Q/V-band feed systems (left), pattern measurements in MIRADs anechoic chamber and RF measurements (center) and final integrated feed in the feed tube, ready for the delivery (right) https://mirad.ch/ka-q-v-band-feed-system-and-antenna-design/

milstar: 36 (?) Ka/Q-band and C-band (?) The company also said that the Blagovest had become the first Russian satellite operating in Q-band, in addition to Ka-band. Both bands enable the satellite to point narrow-angle high-energy beams at the Earth's surface for use by customers with small-size antennas. Though the satellite was owned and operated by the Russian military, it was designed to transmit via open communications channels, according to ISS Reshetnev.

milstar: https://www.mwavellc.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/RPCD3-102-N-X-band-3ft-dual-circular-8.0-12.4-GHz-prime-focus-antenna-P12020.pdf https://www.mwavellc.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/RPCD3-102-N-X-band-3ft-dual-circular-8.0-12.4-GHz-prime-focus-antenna-P12020.pdf

milstar: The first thing to note is that the area of the receiving antenna is smaller in the new filing, which then ends up corresponding with a decrease in its key parameters. The technical parameters of the new filing, which describes the user terminals as "new". Image: FCC 0916-EX-ST-2021 https://wccftech.com/new-starlink-user-dish-with-smaller-antenna-pops-up-in-fcc-filing/ February 1, 2023 https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/342782-spacex-gets-go-ahead-to-test-200-next-generation-starlink-terminal-designs The FCC also stipulates that the antenna arrays cannot exceed 0.586 by 0.385 meters (23 by 15.1 inches). That puts them in the same approximate size range as current Starlink hardware, like the premium dish above. All versions of the mysterious new Starlink dish(Opens in a new window) will operate in the company's established frequency ranges of 10.7GHz to 12.7GHz (download) and 14 to 14.5GHz (upload). Those frequency ranges are both in the Ku band. SpaceX also operates in the higher Ka-band (27-40GHz), but that's not part of the test at this time. https://orbit-cs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/MPT-30WGX-DS1-3.pdf

milstar: VersaFEC-2 High-Performance LDPC release for CDM-625A The high-performance VersaFEC-2 waveform has been designed form the ground up to provide optimal performance for applications from 100 ksps to 12.5 Msps. The VersaFEC-2 waveform is comprised of 74 new ModCods with a new family of constellations. Similar to the DVB-S2 and DVB-S2x industry standards, VersaFEC-2 provides two (2) operational modes, Long-Block and Short-Block. Long-Block provides 38 ModCods with coding gain and spectral efficiencies better than DVB-S2 and on par with DVB-S2x at approximately 1/8 the data latency of these two standards. VersaFEC-2 Short-Block provides 36 ModCods with better performance than the industry proven VersaFEC at similar or better data latencies. All higher order constellations within VersaFEC-2 are quasi-circular for optimal peak-to-average performance, which makes them less prone to performance degradation in non-linear satellite channels. In addition, new 32-ary modulation has been added to support spectral efficiencies up to 4.4 bps/Hz. Both CCM and ACM operation are supported in both Long-Block and Short-Block modes. Comtech EF Data is releasing the first of multiple components of the VWS into the CDM-625A modem in October of 2014. https://www.comtechefdata.com/technologies/fec/versafec-2 Turbo Product Coding, Rate 5/16, BPSK delay 70 millisek https://www.comtechefdata.com/files/appnotes-pdf/The%20Case%20for%20Turbo%20Product%20Coding%20in%20Satellite%20Communications.pdf Note: To a first approximation the delay is inversely proportional to data rate. So, for example, at 128 kbps, the delay values would be half of those shown above. BPSK Rate 21/44 and Rate 5/16 (Flux density reduction modes) Two further code rates - Rate 21/44 BPSK (very close to Rate 1/2) and Rate 5/16 BPSK (very close to Rate 1/3) were then added for a military customer and delivered in June 2000. These two rates were developed to address an entirely different case, namely that of transmission from very small antennas, with limited transmitter power. There are significant technical challenges with this approach. When operating at these higher code rates (21/44 and 5/16), the demodulator is forced to operate in a region where the Ebt/No (also referred to as Es/No) is negative - in other words, there is more noise than signal. The demodulator must acquire and track in this environment, and the TPC decoder (which is block based) must acquire and track the frame unique word in the uncorrected error rate, which in the Rate 5/16 case can be as bad as 2 x 10 -1 Eb/No 3db BER 10 to the -9 power .

milstar: X band provides a good compromise between terminal size and data rates while maintaining resilience to rain fade. Data rates of 10Mbit/s are achievable to a 45 cm antenna without interfering with adjacent satellites

milstar: Traveling wave tube amplifiers yield higher data rates and greater bandwidth than their alternatives because these devices are generally capable of providing high power at high frequencies with better efficiency [2, 4, 15]. TWTAs are also able to operate at higher temperatures, which is an advantage given the challenges of communications satellite thermal management [5, 21]. One of the main concerns cited with TWTA performance is guaranteeing operation for 15–20 years on orbit [4, 8], even though they do tend to meet these lifetime requirements on average. Cathodes have finite sources of available electrons, which ultimately limit the life of the TWT. Well-designed TWTs, however, have been known to continuously operate more than 100,000 h and generally reach the 20-year mission lifetime [15, 21]. As previously mentioned, another disadvantage of the TWTA is the need for kilovolt-level power supplies, which are often heavy and expensive. In comparison, SSPAs use between 1 and a power of 2, (1, 2, 4, 8, etc.) power transistors; this results in useful quantized power combinations for these devices, however, these configurations can also lead to significant losses for SSPAs [6] https://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/110897/communication%20satellite%20power%20amplifiers.pdf?sequence=1

milstar: L3 Technologies Electron Devices Division, (L3 EDD) and L3 Technologies Narda Microwave West (L3 NMW), are completing space-flight qualification for a 200-watt Q-band linearized channelized traveling-wave tube amplifier (LCTWTA) capable of over 5 GHz instantaneous bandwidth in a conduction-cooled package. This paper will discuss the LCTWTA performance, manufacturing and flight qualification test results. CW saturated RF output power up to 200 W RF over the 37.5 to 42.5 GHz Q-band frequency range. The 9922H was designed primarily using the Naval Research Laboratory codes CHRISTINE 3D[1] and MICHELLE[2].

milstar: https://stellantsystems.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Stellant_QVTWTA_sellsht_Jan2023.pdf https://stellantsystems.com/traveling-wave-tube-amplifiers/

milstar: AISR missions are often required to use smaller, so-called disadvantaged, satellite terminals. This need is driven by size, weight and power (SWaP) and other operational constraints. The high EIRP and G/T performance provided by Intelsat Epic satellites are very advantageous for these smaller terminals. https://www.intelsat.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/intelsatgeneral-aisr-mission-ku-band-whitepaper.pdf EPIC vs WGS

milstar: The main receiving antenna is 2.2 m in diameter; the main transmit antenna is 3.3 m in diameter. ACTS also incorporates beacons at 20.2 and 27.5 GHz. An operations phase of 24 months was planned. https://www.eoportal.org/satellite-missions/acts#spacecraft Frequency 3 Ka-band channels, 30 GHz uplink, 20 GHz downlink Bandwidth 900 MHz each channel, 2.7 GHz total RF power 46 W/channel Rain attenuation is the dominant propagation impairment at Ka-band frequencies. It is a function of frequency, elevation angle, polarization angle, rain intensity, rain drop size distribution, and rain drop temperature. The communication link performance experiment included more than seven sites in North America and lasted for a period of five years. EIRP Isolated spot beams: 65 dBW; contiguous sectors: 60-65 dBW; steerable beam: 57 dBW.

milstar: Спутник «Благовест» (Разработка АО «ИСС») оборудован 28 лучевой МЛА диапазона Q и Ка thesis-ao-iss-testoedov-2016.pdf

milstar: https://kacific.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Mitigating_the_Effect_of_Weather_on_Ka-Band_High_Capacity_Satellites.pdf

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