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milstar: http://www.ucsusa.org/assets/documents/nwgs/section_6.pdf To maneuver, a satellite in orbit must use rocket engines (thrusters) to change the magnitude or direction of its velocity. Because the orbital speed of satellites is so large, the velocity changes required for maneuvering may also be large, requiring the thrusters to use large amounts of propellant. How much and how quickly a satellite can maneuver depends on the amount and type of propellant it carries. There are practical limits to the amount of propellant a satellite can carry since it increases the total mass that must be launched into orbit. These constraints on maneuvering in space have important consequences for satellite operations. This section discusses the different types of satellite maneuvers and the changes in satellite velocity required for each. Section 7 outlines the amount of propellant required for these maneuvers. Three basic maneuvers are used to change orbits: (1) changing the shape or size of an orbit within the orbital plane; (2) changing the orbital plane by changing the inclination of the orbit; and (3) changing the orbital plane by rotating the plane around the Earth’s axis at constant inclination. (Recall that all satellite orbits lie in a plane that passes through the center of the Earth.) We discuss each of these in more detail below, as well as several common orbital changes that use these basic maneuvers. Maneuvers within the orbital plane allow the user to change the altitude of a satellite in a circular orbit, change the shape of the orbit, change the orbital period, change the relative location of two satellites in the same orbit, and de-orbit a satellite to allow it to return to Earth. A velocity change is typically referred to as delta-V, or DV, since the term “delta” is commonly used in technical discussions to indicate a change in some quantity. In addition, as Section 7 shows, generating a velocity change of 2 km/s ################################################ with conventional propulsion technologies would require a satellite to carry its own mass in propellant—thus doubling the mass of the satellite. ############################################# Table 6.1. This table shows the change in satellite velocity (DV) required for various types of maneuvers and activities in space, where Dq is the change in inclination. Type of Satellite Maneuver Required DV (km/s) Changing orbital altitude within LEO (from 400 to 1,000 km) 0.3 Stationkeeping in GEO over 10 years 0.5–1 De-orbiting from LEO to Earth 0.5–2 Changing inclination of orbital plane in GEO by Dq = 30° 2 by Dq = 90° 4 Changing orbital altitude from LEO to GEO (from 400 to 36,000 km) 4 Changing inclination of orbital plane in LEO by Dq = 30° 4 by Dq = 90° 11 These numbers are calculated in the Appendix to Section 6. (LEO = low earth orbit, GEO = geosynchronous orbit)

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milstar: The DARPA/Air Force vision for FALCON is to develop, by 2025, a reusable hypersonic cruise vehicle that could take off from a conventional military runway and strike targets 9,000 nautical miles away in less than two hours. Flying at speeds up to eight times the speed of sound (Mach 8), the hypersonic cruise vehicle would carry a 12,000-pound payload comprising several unpowered, maneuverable, hypersonic glide vehicles called common aero vehicles; cruise missiles; small diameter bombs or other munitions. Each common aero vehicle would carry approximately 1,000 pounds in munitions. The demonstration common aero vehicle system will be able to fly 3,000 nautical miles in approximately 800 seconds and deliver a 1,000-pound penetrator munition. An enhanced version of this demonstration system will be able to fly 9,000 nautical miles in approximately 3,000 seconds http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/systems/hcv.htm

milstar: Орбитальные ракеты по сравнению с баллистическими обеспечивают следующие преимущества: неограниченную дальность полёта, позволяющую поражать цели, недосягаемые для баллистических межконтинентальных ракет; возможность поражения одной и той же цели с двух взаимно противоположных направлений, что вынуждает вероятного противника создавать противоракетную оборону как минимум с двух направлений и затрачивать значительно больше средств. Например, оборонительная линия с северного направления - "Safeguard", стоила США десятки млрд долларов.; меньшее время полёта орбитальной головной части по сравнению со временем полёта головной части баллистических ракет (при пуске орбитальной ракеты по кратчайшему направлению); ################################################ Apogej obichnix ballisticheskix raket 1300 km ,skorost w rajone apogeja gorazdo mensche ... 4 km/sek Apogej fractional orbit 200 km ,skorost postojanna 7.9 km/sek Dlja RLS celi s nizkim Apogeem bolee slozni ################################# невозможность прогнозирования района падения боевого заряда ОГЧ при движении на орбитальном участке; http://rbase.new-factoria.ru/missile/wobb/8k69/8k69.shtml http://rbase.new-factoria.ru/missile/wobb/8k69/8k69.shtml В процессе полета орбитальной ракеты осуществляются: Разворот ракеты в полете до заданного азимута стрельбы (в диапазоне углов +180°). Разделение I и II ступеней. Выключение двигателей II ступени и отделение управляемой ОГЧ. Продолжение автономного полета ОГЧ по орбите искусственного спутника Земли, управление ОГЧ с помощью системы успокоения, ориентации и стабилизации. После отделения ОГЧ коррекция ее углового положения таким образом, чтобы к моменту первого включения радиовысотомера РВ-21 ось антенны была направлена к геоиду. После проведения коррекции ОГЧ движение по орбите с углами атаки О градусов. В расчетный момент времени первое измерение высоты полета. Перед вторым измерением тормозная коррекция высоты полета. Второе измерение высоты полета. Ускоренный разворот ОГЧ в положение спуска с орбиты. Перед спуском с орбиты выдержка в течение 180 с для отработки угловых возмущений и успокоения ОГЧ. Запуск тормозной двигательной установки и отделение приборного отсека. Выключение тормозной ДУ и отделение (через 2-3 с) отсека ТДУ от ББ. Такая схема полета орбитальной ракеты и определяет ее основные конструктивные особенности. К ним, прежде всего, относятся: наличие тормозной ступени, предназначенной для обеспечения спуска ОГЧ с орбиты и оснащенной собственной двигательной установкой, автоматом стабилизации (гирогоризонт, гировертикант) и автоматом управления дальностью, выдающим команду на выключение ТДУ; оригинальный тормозной двигатель 8Д612 (разработка КБ "Южное"), работающий на основных компонентах топлива ракеты; управление дальностью полета путем варьирования времени выключения двигателей II ступени и времени запуска ТДУ; установка в приборном отсеке ракеты радиовысотомера, осуществляющего двукратное измерение высоты орбиты и выдающего информацию в счетно-решающее устройство для выработки коррекции времени включения ТДУ.

milstar: Section 7: Implications of Maneuvering for Satellite Mass http://www.ucsusa.org/assets/documents/nwgs/space_weapons_section_7.pdf This mass penalty increases rapidly as ∆V increases, as Figure 7.1 and Table 7.1 show. To carry out a maneuver requiring a ∆V of 5 km/s (or several maneuvers that added up to 5 km/s), a one-ton satellite would need to carry 4.3 tons of pro- pellant to conduct this maneuver. izmenenie ∆V na 5 km/s ywelichiwaet massu w 5.3 raza Massa i gabariti 170 (wozmozno 340 kt )kt W-80 yabch 300* 800 mm ,130 kg

milstar: Ion thrusters, for example, have exhaust velocities 10 to 20 times higher than chemical thrusters, but currently their mass flow rates are many thousands of times smaller. As a result, these engines produce thrust levels thousands of times less than conventional thrusters, which would require them to operate thousands of times longer than a conventional engine to bring about the same ∆V (see below). Such thrusters can be practical for an application such as stationkeeping, which does not need to occur rapidly. But low-thrust engines are not appro- priate for missions that require a rapid response, such as ballistic missile defense and other military missions. For such applications, chemical thrusters remain the only practical choice for the foreseeable future. ################################################################

milstar: Two other important desirable characteristics are embodied in the CPGS concept. One is the need to have a high probability of penetrating defenses and reaching the target, and the other is the ability to do this without risking U.S. personnel. These concerns are highest in the leading edge of an attack against a formidable adversary when the adversary’s air defenses have not been suppressed. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12061&page=93 These considerations favor 1.longer-range ballistic missiles 2.or boost-glide missiles 3.or hypersonic cruise missiles that could be launched from submarines, long-range aircraft, or land bases. Missiles capable of operation from CONUS (range > 6,500 nmi) are ballistic or boost-glide in nature. For intermediate ranges (2,500 nmi < range < 3,500 nmi), ballistic, boost-glide, and hypersonic cruise missiles are all candidates.

milstar: The bent-nose biconic vehicle with the thicker heat shield is very similar to the Navy Strategic Systems Mk 500 evader maneuvering reentry body http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12061&page=106 For the biconic vehicle, several hundred additional miles in range and footprint are achieved by aerodynamic maneuvering to dump energy for best penetrator-munition performance. The maneuver used to reduce velocity is typically a pull-up followed by a pull-down to vertical flight.

milstar: Boost-Glide Missiles: Conventional Strike Missile and Advanced Hypersonic Weapon A proposed alternative to a conventional ballistic missile is a (hypersonic) boost-glide vehicle— here a rocket is used to boost to high speed an aerodynamically controlled glide vehicle that maneuvers to the target. Concepts in which the initial phase of flight includes a ballistic segment have been proposed, while other concepts fly entirely endoatmospheric trajectories. Following apogee, the glide vehicle descends into the atmosphere where a pull-up maneuver is executed to position the vehicle on an equilibrium glide slope. The vehicle then glides unpowered to the target area. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12061&page=113

milstar: The CSM concept pushes the performance envelope in the areas of thermal protection systems and air-launched weapon dispensing mechanisms. While a ballistic reentry body typically spends less than 60 seconds ######################################################################### W moment kasanija zemli skorost Trident D-5 menee 4 km /sek ili M12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in the oxidative hypersonic environment, the first version of CSM is proposed to fly in it for about 800 seconds, stressing current technology. A planned second version of CSM would increase the maximum glide range to 9,000 nmi, which would require the development of new thermal protection technology to operate for up to 3,000 seconds in the stressing hypersonic environment. The CPGS AoA is modeling hypersonic boost-glide vehicles as slowing to Mach 5 to dispense their weapons. This speed seems at the same time aggressively high for dispensing and questionably low for surviving strong local air defenses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Norma dlja S-300v ,S-400 ################ S-300V 9m82me mozet manewrirowat s 30 G i perxwat . cel so skorostju 4500 metr/sek (sootw traektorii .minim energii raketa s dalnostju 2500 km) bolee menschaja 9m83me perxwat cel so skorostju 3000 metr/sek (sootw . 1100 km ) http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Giant-Gladiator.html

milstar: maximum range of approximately 1,000 nmi if operated at a cruise speed of Mach 4. While this range is much shorter than that envisioned for a CPGS system, this capability could become an important element of a future tactical system if routinely installed on forward-deployed ships and submarines. The possibility of employing hypersonic cruise missiles from the SSGN platform also provides an interesting potential. ########################################################################### Wmesto 154 Tomogawk In designing the cruise missile for integration into an SSGN canister, the missile cross-sectional shape will likely not be circular, but rather designed to fit within a pie-segment of the cylindrical launcher. In this case, a larger effective missile diameter can be achieved. If the SSGN launch tubes are modified to hold three hypersonic cruise missiles, calculations indicate that the powered range of the missile would be greater than 2,000 nmi (i.e., roughly the same range capability of a submarine-launched, intermediate-range ballistic missile). Air-launched, hypersonic cruise missiles have been proposed in order to satisfy the demands of the CPGS mission (see Mach 6 Missile in Table 4-1). Launched from a bomber, the cruise missile would be a two-stage system consisting of a solid-rocket-powered first stage and a second-stage air-breathing cruise vehicle powered by either a ramjet or a scramjet engine. The air-launched missile would be capable of carrying a 2,000 lb warhead to a range of approximately 2,000 nmi. The air-breathing propulsion system would offer advantages in terms of trajectory flexibility and energy management, allowing for in-flight rerouting, avoiding overflight, and optimizing the terminal approach geometry http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12061&page=118

milstar: Thermal management issues associated with hypersonic cruise missiles are quite different from those involving ballistic or boost-glide systems. ########################################################################################## Operating at a maximum speed of Mach 6, the heat transfer to the external air vehicle is substantially lower than that of reentry vehicles, and metallic structures can be used. In the internal portion of the flow-path, either high-temperature ceramic-matrix composites or fuel-cooled metallic structures can be used. Thus, many of the issues associated with ablative thermal protection systems, which are required for ballistic and boost-glide systems, are avoided. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12061&page=118 Existing high-β ballistic reentry vehicles are designed with thermal protection systems (TPSs) that use ablative materials to survive an extremely high-heat-flux environment for the short reentry times. Modern reentry vehicles use a shape-stable carbon material nosetip with a carbon-phenolic heat shield for thermal protection downstream of the nosetip. Through extensive development and testing, carbon-phenolic material has proven to be the best choice based on its density, ablation characteristics, and relatively low thermal conductivity The air-breathing Mach 6 missile (hypersonic cruise missile) represents a new class of delivery system, which is immature relative to the ballistic systems. ################################################################################################### NASA-funded X-43, DARPA/ONR-funded HyFLY, and USAF/DARPA-funded X-51 programs. These programs have demonstrated or will demonstrate critical aspects of the propulsion technology necessary to enable a Mach 6 cruise missile. Furthermore, the Air Force Research Laboratory is exploring the technologies associated with a Mach 6 hypersonic cruise missile under its Robust Scramjet Technology program. In 1998, the National Research Council conducted a study evaluating the U.S. Air Force Hypersonic Technology (HyTECH) program. 15 This study concluded that the development of a Mach 6 missile in 2015 was feasible. Although not all recommendations in that report were implemented, the technology readiness of hypersonic cruise missiles is such that this type of capability can be deployed in about 2020.

milstar: Finding 1. The command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems needed to enable conventional prompt global strike (CPGS) are only sufficient to meet the CPGS time lines under limited conditions. Significant additional effort will be required to provide seamless integration of numerous disparate systems and to increase the global coverage of the Digital Point Positional Data Base. Finding 2. Conventional Trident Modification (CTM) represents the only nearterm option for a CPGS capability, #################################################################### but the system accuracy has not been demonstrated, and the kinetic energy projectile (KEP) warhead will likely be effective against only a subset of candidate targets. In addition, the limited maneuverability of the proposed CTM reentry vehicle will result in an inability to attack targets in many urban and mountainous regions. Finding 3. A modified version of the Trident missile system, designated in this report as CTM-2, could provide enhanced weapons effectiveness with larger and more flexible payloads. Finding 4. More-advanced concepts for CPGS, such as CTM-2, Conventional Strike Missile (CSM), and Advanced Hypersonic Weapons (AHWs), offer the potential for improved system performance through more flexible payloads and trajectories, but these concepts carry high technical risk that must be mitigated prior to any deployment decision. Finding 5. The attack of moving targets and incorporation of battle damage assessment in a CPGS setting will require the development of significant new capability, which could be accomplished with a combination of deployed terminal sensors and weapon data links. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12061&page=137

milstar: While Conventional Trident Modification (CTM) or CTM-2 is a relatively inexpensive potential means to meet important aspects of the CPGS need and to do so in 3 to 5 years Est i versii modifikazii D-5 dlja BMDO ---------------------------------- http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12061&page=139 T.e. -Variazii na baze suschestw. raket kak dlja globalnogo ydara ,attaki mobilnix celej tak i dlja BMDO

milstar: 1. A plot of velocity versus range, for example, Figure G-2, shows that centrifugal force provides 64 percent of the overall lift of the vehicle with a range of 7,168 km (3,870 nmi) to go, and a time-to-go of 1,950 s. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- str. 209 http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12061&page=209 Figure G-2, http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12061&page=210#p200161e09960210002 2. Dlja minimalno zatratnoj ballisticheskoj traektorii dlja 1,950 sek dalnost 10 000 km ----------------------------------------- Fig. 7.7 Ballistic time as function of range str.-143 /125 http://www.scribd.com/doc/53416290/Atmospheric-Re-Entry-Vehicle-Mechanics

milstar: 1. The rotation of the Earth gives a rocket an eastward velocity even before it is launched.5 If the rocket is launched to the east, it can use this velocity to increase its speed. Since the speed of the Earth’s surface is greatest at the equator (0.456 km/s), launching from a location at low latitudes (near the equator) increases the rocket’s speed and therefore increases its launch capability. 2.For example, a rocket launched from the French Kourou launch site at 5.23° latitude could carry 20% more mass into a geosynchronous transfer orbit than could the same rocket from the Kazakh Baikonur launch site at 46° latitude.6 For a launch site at 70° latitude, the rocket could only carry half as much mass as one launched from Kourou. The launch from Baikonur would lose 0.14 km/s from the Earth’s rotation relative to a launch from Kourou, and rotating the orbital plane from an inclination of 46° to 0° would require ∆V = 2.4 km/s, assuming it was done once the satellite was in geostationary orbit. Air-launching has a number of practical advantages. Since the launch does not require a dedicated launch facility, this can in principle reduce costs and allow rapid launches. Since the launcher is mobile, the user can choose the location and latitude of the launch and can reduce restrictions on the direc- tion of launch by, for example, launching over the ocean. This increases the efficiency of getting to orbit and allows a satellite to be launched directly into a desired orbit rather than launching into an orbit determined by the launch site and then maneuvering into the proper orbit.8 Since the atmosphere rotates with the Earth, launching eastward from an aircraft allows the launcher to take advantage of the rotational speed of the Earth, just as launching from the ground does. Since the booster is released above the ground and with an initial velocity equal to that of the aircraft, the requirements on the booster are somewhat reduced. For example, some of the configurations discussed below could increase the booster payload by more than 50% relative to that for the same booster launched from the ground. Pegasus is an existing air-launched booster that is carried aloft by a B-52 for military payloads or by an L-1011 aircraft for civil payloads. The Pegasus XL has a mass of 23 tons. It can place 450 kg into a 200 km orbit at 28° inclina- tion, 330 kg into a 200-km polar orbit (90 ̊ inclination), and 190 kg into an 800-km sun-synchronous orbit. Dlja minimalno-zatratnoj ballistichesko traektorii na dalnost 8000 km zabrasiwaemaja massa ywelichiwaetsja primerno w 2.5 raza #################################################################################### wmesto 450 kg -1100 kg pri masse raketi 23000 kg

milstar: Other air-launch systems are being developed. The Air Force Research Laboratory is developing a microsatellite launch vehicle (MSLV) that would be launched from an F-15E aircraft, although there are currently no plans to build the system. The goal is a three-stage booster that could place a 100-kg satellite into a 225-km orbit. The aircraft is intended to climb at a 60° angle and release the booster at an altitude of 11.6 km at a speed of about 0.5 km/s. Ultimately, the goal is a 5-ton booster that would be able to place up to 200 kg in a 280-km orbit within 48 hours.11 ################################################## http://www.ucsusa.org/assets/documents/nwgs/section_8.pdf 100 kg na 225 km orbit = 250 kg na 8000 km http://www.responsivespace.com/Papers/RS1/SESSION9/ROTHMAN/9002P.PDF wes yabch 155 mm 1-1.5 kt = 17-18 kg ######################## The operational MSLV is to be a 4550 kg vehicle incorporating three Star rockets and a 100 kg payload, with a target orbit of 225km [4]. The MSLV is to have a length of 6.6 m and a maximum diameter of 1.27 m. Thethree-stageconfigurationofrocket motors was evaluated as providing the greatest payload to orbit [4,5]. The Star 48AV, Star 37GV and the Star 30BV were found to meet all performance requirements and fulfill the MSLV center of gravity requirements.

milstar: Section 8 Appendix A: Potential and Kinetic Energy of Satellites ############################################# The potential energy of a satellite is a measure of the energy required to lift it to its orbital altitude, whereas the kinetic energy reflects the amount of energy required to give the satellite its orbital speed. For a circular orbit at altitude h, the kinetic energy of a mass m due to its orbital speed is http://www.ucsusa.org/assets/documents/nwgs/section_8.pdf ratio of potential to kinetic energy h/2Re

milstar: Anaysis of Reentry Into the White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) for the LifeSat Mission* http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19930015528_1993015528.pdf

milstar: Naibolee wigodnoe ,minimalno zatratnoe po topliwu wostohnoe naprawlenie Naval base Bangor at 47°43′15″N 122°42′47″W, Beale Air Force Base 39°08′10″N 121°26′11″W PAVE PAWS radars Clear Air Force Station 64°17′26″N 149°11′13″W PAVE PAWS radars NORAD 38.7°N 104.8°W Pacific Fleet HQ 21°20′38″ N, 157°58′30″ W Seattle 47°36′35″ N, 122°19′59″ W Сан-Франци́ско 37°46′00″ с. ш. 122°26′00″ з. д. Anchorage 61°13′5″ N, 149°53′33″ W Los Angeles 34°3′0″ N, 118°15 0″ W San-Diego 32°42′54″ N, 117°9′45″ W ----------------------------------------------------- Петропавловск-Камчатский 53°01′00″ с. ш. 158°39′00″ в. д. Южно-Сахалинск 46°57′00″ с. ш. 142°44′00″ в. д Владивосток 43°07′00″ с. ш. 131°54′00″ в. д. Космодром «Восточный» 51°49′ с. ш. 128°15′ в. д. Хаба́ровск 48°29′00″ с. ш. 135°04′00″ в. д. Комсомо́льск-на-Аму́ре 50°33′00″ с. ш. 137°00′00″ в. д.

milstar: Angle of attack http://www.boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/aero_12/whatisaoa.pdf

milstar: "... Neskolko yglow attaki i ysilenie togo naprawlenija ,kotoroe prodwinetsja " Helmut von Moltke 1. Raketi letjat w zapadnom naprawlenii -sokraschenie dalnosti 2 .Raketi lletjat w wostohcnom naprawleniee ywelichenie dalnosti pri tom ze zapase topliva

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