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Bazirowanie tipa MX,Bunkeri

milstar: MPS ("Mobile Protective Shelters"). Согласно концепции MPS, для размещения 200 МБР предполагалось создать 4600 стартовых площадок-укрытий для горизонтального размещения ракет, рассредоточенных по окружности большого диаметра. Ракета должна была скрытно перемещаться из укрытия в укрытие по случайному закону. Уровень защищенности укрытий должен был быть таким, чтобы обеспечивать вывод из строя только одного укрытия одной атакующей боеголовкой противника. При получении сигнала на пуск крыша укрытия раздвигалась, и ракета, поднявшись в вертикальное положение с помощью системы специальных домкратов, стартовала В июне 1979 года началась полномасштабная инженерная проработка ракеты MX с основным видом базирования в соответствии с концепцией MPS. Однако, в ходе работ выяснилось, что выбранный вид базирования требовал не только больших финансовых затрат (37 млрд. $), t.e. 1.5 % WWP w aktualnix cenax . Wpolne dopustimo ( VVP Rossii w 2010 2209 mlrd $ ,esli za 33mlrd $ mozno w yslowijax Rossii sozdat podobnoe bazirowanei -to eto neobxodimo rassmotret) GDP USA w 1979 - 2562 mlrd $ ( w cenax 2005 -5855 mlrd $) w 1989 -5482 mlrd $ (w cenax 2005 -7885 mlrd $ ,SSSR-1989 -2350 mlrd $ discounted CIA ev) w 2005 -12638 mlrd $ Тогда же были развернуты работы по новому варианту базирования, т.н. ”плотной упаковки” - CSB ("Closely Spaced Basing", она же “Dense Pack”). В соответствии с этой концепцией предполагалось строительство сверхукрепленных шахт (рассчитанных на избыточное давление во фронте ударной волны более 700 кгс/см2) всего в 550 метрах друг от друга. Идея заключалась во взаимоуничтожении атакующих боеголовок противника и гашении ударных волн ядерных взрывов, что позволило бы уцелеть основной части ШПУ и произвести ответный запуск. Впрочем, быстро стало ясно, что концепция CSB основана на чрезвычайно сомнительных допущениях. http://rbase.new-factoria.ru/missile/wobb/mx/mx.shtml 700 кгс/см2 -eto 10 000 psi . ili 700 atmosfer ili dawlenie na glubine 7 km Bunerbuster 13 tonn (s B-2) probiwaet 8 metrow 10 000 psi krepkost granita -20 000 psi specialnie materiali dlja bunkerow imejut bolee 100 000 psi ,Iran raspologaet materialami 30 000 - 40 000 psi .Rossija ochewidno toze Твердотопливная МБР подвижного подземного базирования в 23 сосредоточенных по кругу шахтах для каждой ракеты (т.н. «ипподромный» - Race-track – тип базирования), 1979 г. Работы прекращены в 1980 г. http://www.militaryparitet.com/nomen/usa/rocket/data/ic_nomenusarocket/4/

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milstar: Sejtschas predlagajutsja rjad proektow s srawnimi zatratami 1. Tuvinskaja GES ot Thubaisa za 20 mlrd $ ( i wozmozno ne odna ) 2. Kanali Ewrazija ,Wolgo-Don -2 toze po 15-20 mlrd $ Za eti summi dlja Rossii mozno rassmotret 1.sozdanie mobilnoj PRO s raketami 53t6 i RLS 10/35/94 ghz na chassi Topol i bolee moschnix 2. Podzemnoe mobilnoe bazirowanie tipa MX 3. 1 i 2 w komplekse

milstar: Бункер Иосипа Броз Тито, расположенный на глубине 250 метров под горой Велебит недалеко от хорватского городка Пакленица http://lenta.ru/culture/2001/11/15/tito/ Bunker presidenta USA verojatno -500 metrow

milstar: 1 megatonn sozdaet 100 kpa ili 1 atm ili 1 kg/sm^2 na rasstojanii 2.2 -2.9 km dlja sprawki dweri http://www.mmzso.ru/ ,kotorie stojat w Gazprome ,prawitelstwe Moskwi widerziwajut do 300 kg/sm^2 ili 4400-4500 psi

milstar: MOP is designed to go deeper than any nuclear bunker buster and take out 25 percent of the underground and deeply buried targets worldwide. It is designed to penetrate up to 200 feet underground before exploding. By some reports, it was expected to penetrate as much as 60 meters [200 feet through 5,000 psi reinforced concrete, and 8 meters [25 feet] into ******************************************************************************************* 10,000 psi reinforced concrete. *************************** http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/mop.htm Wired.com reported on April 13, 2007 that a team from the University of Tehran, competing in a contest sponsored by the American Concrete Institute, demonstrated several blocks of concretes with abnormally high compressive strengths between 50,000 and 60,000 psi (340 and 410 MPa) at 28 days. ************************************************************* [3] The blocks appeared to use an aggregate of steel fibres and quartz – a mineral with a compressive strength of 160,000 PSI, much higher than typical high-strength aggregates such as granite (15,000–20,000 psi or 100–140 MPa). ************************************************************* Reactive Powder Concrete, also known as Ultra-High Performance Concrete, can be even stronger, with strengths of up to 116,000 PSI (800 MPa).[4] ili 8000 atmosfer ili 8 tonn na kwadratn .santimetr ****************************** Физичeская атмосфера равна 101325 паскалей. ili 10 000 kg na kw.metr ili 1 kg na kw.santimetr 1000 atmosfer na glubine 10 km w okeane = 16 000 psi = 1 tonna na kwadratnij santimetr granit widerziwaet 20 000 psi These are made by eliminating large aggregate completely, carefully controlling the size of the fine aggregates to ensure the best possible packing, and incorporating steel fibers (sometimes produced by grinding steel wool) into the matrix. Reactive Powder Concretes may also make use of silica fume as a fine aggregate. Commercial Reactive Powder Concretes are available in the 25,000–30,000 psi (170–210 MPa) strength range. ****************************************************************************************** ssilka swerxu o nowom bunker bustere to penetrate as much as 60 meters [200 feet through 5,000 psi reinforced concrete, and 8 meters [25 feet] into ******************************************************************************************* 10,000 psi reinforced concrete. *************************** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Properties_of_concrete http://www.ndt.net/article/ndtce03/papers/v007/v007.htm Еженедельный дайджест Боеприпасы и спецхимия «Боинг» получил заказ на производство 8 сверхмощных УАБ MOP для ВВС США ЦАМТО, 10 сентября. ВВС США заключили с компанией «Боинг» контракт на поставку восьми 13600-килограммовых проникающих управляемых авиабомб GBU-57A/B MOP (Massive Ordnance Penetrator). Эта УАБ является наиболее мощным на текущий момент неядерным боеприпасом в арсенале ВС страны. Боеприпасы необходимы для проведения испытаний. Согласно контракту стоимостью 20,328 млн дол, «Боинг» поставит авиабомбы, оснащенные боевыми частями, взрыватели, а также другое вспомогательное оборудование. В сентябре 2009 года ВВС США объявили о направлении в Конгресс запроса о необходимости закупки партии УАБ MOP. После получения одобрения, в октябре представитель Пентагона объявил о заключении с компанией «Боинг» контракта стоимостью 51,9 млн дол на проведение работ по завершению оснащения новой авиабомбой стратегических бомбардировщиков В-2А. В октябре 2009 года МО США объявило, что УАБ MOP, которая предназначена для уничтожения укрепленных или заглубленных сооружений, туннелей и других объектов, которые не могут быть уничтожены имеющимися на вооружении обычными боеприпасами, будет готова к боевому применению «в ближайшие месяцы». Однако, по имеющейся информации, задержка финансирования и проблемы в ходе испытаний привели к переносу этой даты на декабрь 2010 года. Разработка УАБ MOP началась в 2004 году после заключения с «Боингом» контракта стоимостью 30 млн дол. Первые статические испытания опытного образца для проверки эффективности применения боеприпаса состоялись в марте 2007 года в подземном туннеле на полигоне «Уайт Сэндз» (шт.Нью-Мексико). После завершения разработки новой УАБ будут оснащаться бомбардировщики B-52 и B-2. Ранее, в текущем году, ВВС США установили макет MOP во внутренних отсеках вооружения бомбардировщика, подтвердив возможность ее использования на данных типах самолетов. MOP является управляемым боеприпасом, который наводится на объекты противника с использованием комбинированной GPS/инерциальной системы наведения. Глубина проникновения в грунт – около 60 м. ***************************************************************************************** УАБ, длина которой составляет 6,25 м, а диаметр 0,8 м, оснащается боевой частью весом более 5300 фунтов (2400 кг). Она на треть тяжелее 9,7-тонной УАБ GBU-43/B (МОАВ - Massive Ordnance Air Bomb), которая может быть сброшена только с задней рампы военно-транспортного самолета C-130 «Геркулес». 13.09.2010 Права на данный материал принадлежат ЦАМТО Материал был размещен правообладателем в открытом доступе. Weight, total 13,600 kg [slightly less than 30,000 pounds] Weight, explosive 2,700 kg [6,000 lb] "over 5,300 pounds" Length 6 m / 20.5 feet long Diameter 31.5-inch diameter Control short-span wings and trellis-type tail Penetration 60 meters [200 feet] through 5,000 psi reinforced concrete 40 meters [125 feet] through moderately hard rock 8 meters [25 feet] through 10,000 psi reinforced concrete granit -20 000 psi ***************** Contractors Boeing, Northrop Grumman Sponsors Air Force Research Laboratory's Munitions Directorate Defense Threat Reduction Agency. Platforms B-52, B-2 Guidance GPS aided INS # Schedule 2005 - Refine MOP concept and begin detailed weapon development and testing # 2005 - statically emplaced Proof-of Principle test of payload effectiveness # 2006 - static lethality demonstration against hard and deeply buried targets # 2006 - scaled penetration and lethality testing # 2007 - Conduct Massive Ordnance Penetrator Demonstration # 2007 - full-scale performance demonstration against realistic hard and deeply buried targets

milstar: http://feinstein.senate.gov/05releases/r-nukes.htm An April 27, 2005 National Academies of Sciences study commissioned by Congress to study the anticipated health and environmental effects of nuclear earth penetrator weapons found that: • current experience and empirical predictions indicate that earth-penetrator weapons cannot penetrate to depths required for total containment of the effects of a nuclear explosion; • It would take a 300 kiloton weapon, at a penetration of 3 meters (or 10 feet), to destroy hard and deeply buried targets at 200 meters (or 656 feet). • To destroy a hard and deeply buried target at 300 meters, you would need a one megaton weapon. Smotrya kakoj grunt ... Kak ykaziwalos* 10 megatonn na korallowom grunte dalo 2 km radius na suxom grunte wsego 192 metra a w granite s stjkostju 1500 atm ( 1.5 tonni na kw.sm) ?

milstar: The DOD, estimating that there are “10,000 known or suspected HDBTs worldwide [identified] by the Defense Intelligence Agency,” some of which are “buried in rock at depths greater than 300 meters” and some of which “hardened to withstand overpressure of about 1 kilobar” 1000 atmosfer ili 14500 psi has sought both nuclear and conventional weapons to hold these targets “at risk.” While many conventional bunker busters have been developed, the B6 family of weapons includes nuclear weapons with an earth-penetrating capacity. For example the nuclear B61-11bomb, deployed in 1997, was developed to destroy targets below the Soviet Union’s hard or frozen soil. http://www.ncnk.org/resources/publications/NCNK_Issue_Brief_Bunker_%20Buster_December_2009.doc In 2004 Sandia National Laboratory Director Paul Robinson argued that the B61-11 while “very good in soil” was “not very good in rock” and that “North Korea targets of high value to the United States are “very hardened, below deep cliffs, in very high –strength rock.” Th

milstar: Los Alamos Study Group February 10, 1997 http://www.brookings.edu/projects/archive/nucweapons/lasg.aspx The B61-11's unique earth-penetrating characteristics, *********************************************** The B61-11 story came to light in slow installments. Dr. Don Wolkerstorfer, Above-Ground Experiments I (AGEX I) Program Manager, Nuclear Weapons Technology Program, Los Alamos, shed some light on this modification in a July 1995 radio debate: "The services are looking at redeploying an existing weapon in such an earth penetrating warhead to address hardened targets, that's exactly right. The hope is to replace the high yield B53, which has some safety problems..."2 ******************************************************************* B53 -9 megatonn The B61-7 is a more recent strategic bomb in the stockpile. It has a selectable yield of 10 to about 340 kilotons. The original B61-1 first entered the stockpile in 1968; the "mod 7" was first placed in service in 1985. The B61-7 can be fuzed for air or surface burst and has "a hardened ground-penetrator nose" with a retarded contact burst fuzing option. It can be dropped with or without a parachute. There are thought to be 750 of these bombs in the active stockpile, along with about 600 B61-3, -4, and -10 tactical bombs.6 The B61 family of weapons can be configured with a wide variety of yields, including 0.3, 1.5, 5, 10, 45, 60, 60, 80, 170, and 340 kilotons.7 The percent of blast energy converted into shock waves in the earth is extremely sensitive to the depth of the blast. ************************************************************************************************ Thus even a small increase in earth penetrating capability can greatly affect the military utility of a nuclear weapon to hold deeply buried and hardened targets at risk. Hardening of the B61 to allow very high altitude release, with consequent high velocity ground impact, apparently provides such an increase in capability. he last in a series of B61-11 full-scale drop tests, prior to the Major Assembly Release (MAR), was conducted at the Tonopah Test Range on November 20, 1996. More than 60 people from throughout the complex were on hand to observe the early morning drops. Three units were dropped from a B2-A aircraft, two units from about 6900 feet above ground level (AGL) and a third from about 25,700 feet AGL. Prior to November's tests, we had demonstrated compatibility with the F-16 and the B-1B aircraft...All objectives with the exception of recording the strain measurements were met...Another attempt to record strain measurements will be made in the upcoming test, now scheduled for early April [1997] in Alaska.15 [emphasis added] Note that the new weapon has been tested for delivery with a variety of aircraft, including the F-16, a tactical delivery system, marking a considerable shift in application from the B53. Dr. Smith outlined U.S. conventional and nuclear capability for destroying a suspected Libyan chemical weapons factory, under construction underground at Tarhunah, 40 miles southeast of Tripoli.17 Dr. Smith explained that, at present, the United States has no conventional weapon capable of destroying the plant from ******************************************************************************* the air, and such a weapon could not be ready in less than two years. Smith went on to tell reporters that an earth-penetrating B61 nuclear bomb, in development, could take out the plant. The new bomb would be ready for possible use by the end of this year, Smith said, before the expected completion date of the factory. t.e. Bunker Buster 13 tonn ( 60 metrow 5000 psi ili 8 metrow 10 000 psi) sposben Zawod pod ykritiem tolschinnoj okolo 8 metrow s stojk 10 000 psi ?

milstar: More Earth Penetrators, Nuclear and Otherwise, to Come From the DOE perspective, the B61-11 is a "modification" to the B61-7 strategic gravity bomb. As military capability, however, the B61-11 provides something new?else why deploy it? he B61-11 is a new Mod of the B61 being converted from existing B61 Mod 7s. The basic differences in the two Mods are in the nose and tail configurations, and the elimination of the B61-7 parachute and gas generator. The similarities are that all B61-11 internal case hardware and components, including the IHE physics package and warhead electrical system, are from the B61-7. Designed to replace the aging B53 "laydown" weapon, the much smaller and less powerful B61 can produce the same destructive ground shock as the massive B53, but without the collateral damage associated with a surface blast. The B61-11 was designed not to penetrate rock but to attack only certain targets in hard or frozen soil in Russia. ******************************************************************************************** http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/systems/b61-11.htm Designed to replace the aging B53 "laydown" weapon, the much smaller and less powerful B61 can produce the same destructive ground shock as the massive B53, but without the collateral damage associated with a surface blast. B53 -9 megatonn ,B61-11 maximum 340 kilotonn ******************************************* Yglublenie pered wzriwom na 6 metrow kompensiruet raznicu w moschnosti ? ******************************************************************* The B61-11 can penetrate and detonate below the earth's surface, creating a massive shock wave capable of destroying underground targets. In tests the bomb penetrates only 20 feet into dry earth, even when dropped from altitudes above 40,000 feet. ******************************************************************************************** But even this shallow penetration before detonation allows a much higher proportion of the explosion to transferred into ground shock relative to a surface burst. It is not able to counter targets deeply buried under granite rock. ****************************************************** Moreover, it has a high yield, in the hundreds of kilotons. ************************************************ Chto i predpolagal awtor - granit 100-200 metrow s srojk 20 000 psi (1400 atm - 1.4 tonni na kw .sm) potom kakoj to sloj (10-20 metrow ) materiala s stojk 50 -100 000 psi i bunker ili MX bazirowanie budut imet wpolne wisokuju wiziwaemost*

milstar: foto simulazii Sandia Lab pri vxozdenija B61-11 w zemlju http://www.nukestrat.com/us/afn/B61-11.htm B61-11 ,400 killoton , 3.6 metra * 0.35 metra ,540 kg ,platformi -B-2,B-1,B-52,F-16 The Air Force said the B61-11 only proved capable of penetrating some 6-10 feet (2-3 meters) into the frozen soil. At best the weapon would penetrate 15-25 feet (5-8 meters). A photo taken of the retrieval of one of the bombs in Alaska suggests the penetration depth was around 18 feet (6 meters). fotografii wxozdeniaj w grunt wechnoj merzloti na 6 metrow na Alyaske

milstar: Yadernie bunkeri KSCHP potencial'nnogo protiwnika http://www.norad.mil/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Greenbrier http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheyenne_Mountain The facility is one of the most unusual installations in the world[citation needed]. Apart from the fact that it is housed 2,000 feet (600 m) into the mountain, it is also notable in that it is a joint and binational military organization comprising over 200 men and women from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Canadian Forces. KSCHP w skale po funkzional'nnim wozmoznostjam prewischaet KSCHP na mobil'nnoj platforme Pri sowremennom yrowne texniki werojatno wozmozno sdelat' bunker na glubine 3-5 km ,chto potrebuet komplexnogo podxoda - moschnosti 200 -800 megatonn ,serii naprawlennix wzriwow , wlet boegolowok w schachti . 200 megatonn eto 25 kub .km skal'nix porod -smotri Krakatau http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krakatau On August 27, the volcano entered the final cataclysmic stage of its eruption. Four enormous explosions took place at 05:30 hrs, 06:42 hrs, 08:20 hrs, and 10:02 hrs - all times are local. The last explosion was the loudest. Each was accompanied by very large tsunamis and are believed to have been over 30 meters (100 ft) high in places. A large area of the Sunda Strait and a number of places on the Sumatran coast were affected by pyroclastic flows from the volcano. The explosions were so violent that they were heard 3,500 km away in Perth, Western Australia and the island of Rodrigues near Mauritius, 4,800 km away; the sound of Krakatoa's destruction is the loudest sound in recorded history, reaching levels of 180 dBSPL 100 miles (160 km) away.[5]. The pressure wave from the final explosion was recorded on barographs around the world and can be clearly identified as occurring at seven distinct intervals. Ash was propelled to a height of 80 km. The eruptions diminished rapidly after that point, and by the morning of August 28 Krakatoa was quiet. ############################### Wse wischeskazannoe goworit w pol'zu ballistischskix raket s bol'schoj zabrasiwaemoj massoj - tipa Voevodi (z.massa -9 tonn ,massa 211 tonn) Chtobi ispol'zowat' prinzip mobil'nosti ( smotri wojni Thengiz-Khana ) ,xot' i ogranichenno ee neobxodimo postawit' na z/d paltformu .( Skalpel' ss-24 zabr. massa 4.5 tonn ,wes 100 tonn) .EE mozno sdelat' iz titana Samoleti kak il-76 (sadjatsja na trawjannoe pokritie) mogut wzjat' Sinevu s zabrasiwoemoj massoj 2800 kg, 941 -BARK s zabrasiwoemoj massoj 2800 kg ,no ne 9 tonn kak Voevoda. Po publichnoj informazii 25-50 megatonn boepripas trebuet 9 tonn zabrasiwaemoj massi . Krome togo neobxodimo rassmotret' wozmoznost' ispol'zowanija na odnoj rakete 2-4 moschnix zarjadom 1 mozet bit' podorwann w kosmose dlja podawlenija sistem PRO (poterja swjazi na operedellennoj terrritorii -sm. interv'ju Smirnova iz gruppi Saxarowa ) Attaka KSCHP na mobil'nnoj platforme (Boeing & ) -drugaja tema -SIGINT,ELINT ,COMINT ... i HUMINT konechno . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnUiG9Nb1lI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8hVbKtgNZI&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BCoBGdvyiQ

milstar: Bunker .Mesto za 35000 funtow na 12 mesjacew . Foto na linke http://newslite.tv/2010/05/19/luxury-nuclear-apocalypse-bunk.html A US firm has started taking reservations from apocalypse scaredy-cats who want to book their place in a luxury nuclear bomb-proof bunker. Those fearing an impending doomsday are said to be paying Ј35,000 each to guarantee a spot in one of 20 underground structures which are being built across America. Bunker-makers Vivos claim each bunker will allow residents to survive for at least 12 months in the event of a pole shift, super volcano eruptions, asteroids, tsunamis or a nuclear attack. Each of the bunkers features 'luxury' surroundings including a gym, atrium and living quarters with computers, kitchens and TVs… let's just hope they haven't only stocked up on post apocalyptic movies.

milstar: Foto Bunker USA congress http://atlasobscura.com/place/congressional-fallout-shelter-at-the-greenbrier-resort

milstar: rjad video s bunkerbusterami http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-NOTAM-160211-1.html

milstar: This depth is called the optimum depth of burial and varies somewhat with the geology of the site, being greater for less dense and structurally weaker material (e.g. loose soil and alluvium) and shallower for dense strong rock (Fig. 1-c, Fig. 2-d, not shown in Fig. 3 but occurs between DOB 125 and 175 ft). For a 1 kt explosion in alluvium the depth is about 50 m (160 ft), in hard rock it is 43 m (140 ft). At the optimum burial depth about 90% of the radioactivity is trapped under the fallback. The largest crater produced by a U.S. explosion on land was by the Sedan test a 100 kt explosion fired at its optimum DOB (192 m). http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Library/Effects/UndergroundEffects.html In a fully contained explosion the energy released by the explosion creates a spherical symmetric cavity - the discontinuity of the Earth's surface is too distant to influence the cavities formation. ----------------------------------------------- Continuing with a 100 kt explosion ######################## as a concrete example, for the first millisecond the growth of the cavity is driven by the "snow plow effect" - the front of the expanding shock wave. At 1 millisecond the cavity, filled with vaporized rock, has grown to a radius of 10 m and the shock pressure has dropped to one megabar (one million atmospheres). ############## At this point the cavity growth and the shock wave become decoupled, with the shock running ahead of the expanding cavity into the surrounding rock at 5 km/sec. The cavity continues to expand over the next few hundred milliseconds until the internal vapor pressure balances the surrounding lithostatic pressure (the weight of the rock above). At a depth of 800 m this radius is about 45 m, the internal temperature at this point is several thousand degrees C. ########################################################################## About eight times as much rock is melted as is vaporized, and the cavity is lined with about 50 cm of molten rock. Nearly all the non-volatile radioisotopes produced by the explosion are trapped in this layer of melt. Over the seconds and minutes following the explosion the molten rock drips down to from a layer on the bottom of the cavity, while continued cooling causes the pressure inside the cavity to drop below that of the lithostatic stress in the surrounding rock, allowing the ceiling of the cavity to begin to collapse. http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Library/Effects/UndergroundEffects.html

milstar: http://moscvartira.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post_08.html Объект 825 ГТС (Балаклава, Украина) В советские времена Крым был не только всесоюзной здравницей, но и огромной военной базой: полтора десятка аэродромов, полигоны, склады оружия и, разумеется, Черноморский флот. Ему принадлежал один из самых секретных военных объектов в мире — завод для ремонта подводных лодок на западной стороне Балаклавской бухты. Задуман он был еще при Сталине, а построен при Хрущеве — в 1957–1961 годах. По ночам субмарины заходили в прорытый в скале сквозной канал длиной более 600 м и становились в док, а после ремонта могли выйти сразу в открытое море. Необычное расположение завода (над штольнями — 128 м скальной породы плюс железобетонные укрепления) обуславливалось тем, что он был также и убежищем, которое могло выдержать прямое попадание атомной бомбы в 100 кт zawisit ot porodi grunta ... i stepeni ykreplennost ... Werojatno pri takoj tolschine mozno i bolsche ... Pri ywelichenii moschnosti wzriwa w 10 raz ,radius ywelichiwaetsja primerno tolko w 2 (dlja bolschix moschnostej) Одновременно здесь могли разместиться до 14 средних дизель-электрических лодок, а также 3000 человек, которые могли автономно существовать в течение месяца, готовя ответный удар по противнику: ядерное оружие хранилось тут же.

milstar: t was intended as a bunker buster weapon, using a surface blast after laydown deployment to transmit a shock wave through the earth to collapse its target. Attacks against the Soviet deep underground leadership shelters in the Chekhov/Sharapovo area south of Moscow envisaged multiple B53/W53 exploding at ground level. It has since been supplanted in such roles by the earth-penetrating B61 Mod 11, a bomb that penetrates the surface to deliver much more of its explosive energy into the ground, and therefore needs a much smaller yield to produce the same effects. The B53 was intended to be retired in the 1980s, but 50 units remained in the active stockpile until the deployment of the B61-11 in 1997. At that point the obsolete B53s were slated for immediate disassembly; however, the process of dissembling the units was greatly hampered by safety concerns, and was not ultimately completed until late 2010.[2][3] W53 W53 physics package The W53 warhead of the Titan II ICBM used the same physics package as the B53, without the air drop-specific components like the parachute system, reducing its mass to 8,136 lb (3,690 kg). With a yield of 9 Megatons, it was the highest yield warhead ever deployed on a US missile. About 60 W53 warheads were constructed between December 1962 and December 1963. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B53_bomb

milstar: Chekhov 55°09'00"N 37°28'36"E Chekhov is one of two leadership relocation sites near Moscow [the other is nearby at Sharapovo]. Another is located at Chaadayevka, some 650 kilometers southeast of Moscow near Penza. Sharapovo and Chekhov were constructed in the late 1950s, and underwent modernization and expansion beginning in the early 1970s. Although these two installations may constitute one interrelated complex, the US intelligence community believes that the facilities at Sharapovo are probably for the wartime Defense Council and those at Chekhov for the General Staff. According to a 1983 US intelligence assessment, the deep underground facilities at these complexes for the National Command Authority are "harder, deepter and much less vulnerable than previously estimated." The support infrastructure for these facilities is substantial. A highly redundant communications system, consisting of both on-site and remote elements, supports these complexes and permits the leadership to send orders and receive reports through the crisis management structure. These installations also have highly effective life support systems capable of protecting their occupants against chemical and biological attack. Such arrangements may enable independent operations to be carried out from these facilities for many months. Source and Methods * SOVIET MILITARY POWER various editions * "Soviet Wartime Management: The Role of Civil Defense in Leadership Continuity" Interagency Intelligence Memorandum NI IIM83-10005JX TOP SECRET http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/russia/chekhov.htm

milstar: http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Weapons/B61.html The Mod 11 has a special ground impact time delay feature to allow it to penetrate into the earth before detonating. The latest mod of the B61, the B61-11, began entering service in January 1997. It is a modified Mod 7, a version with built-in warhead shock resistance. The Mod-11 has a greatly strengthened bomb case for destroying buried command centers, and will replace the 9 Megaton B-53 in that role. The Mod-11 was jointly developed by LANL and Sandia National Laboratories. In February 1996 the drop test program began, and 13 drop tests of the Mod 11 were conducted in 1996 (3 in Alaska, and 10 at the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada). By January Sandia had shipped 10 training versions of the modified B61, to the U.S. Air Force last month as training devices, plus nine sets of customized bomb-handling gear. Modifications were scheduled to begin in January. The Kansas City Plant and Oak Ridge are currently delivering conversion kits to the Air Force, whose engineers are performing the actual modifications. Kit fabrication at Kansas City is expected to continue until at least 1999. Although an August 1995 authorization date is given for the development of the B61-11, the project appears to trace back to the W-61 EPW (earth penetrating warhead) project begun in 1989. The EPW was also a derivative of the B61-7, packaged in a high-strength steel case, and had gotten as far as production engineering in 1991. The B61-11 has a reported capability to destroy targets at depths of several hundred feet at its highest yield setting. Efforts are currently underway at Sandia to develop a new weapon using the B61 warhead package. This is the BIOS (Bomb Impact Optimization System), a guided glide bomb that would permit release of nuclear weapons at a greater range from the target, and by using the GPS satellite system would permit delivery with 1 meter accuracy. * Mod 11: Tactical or strategic bomb with multiple yield options presumably ranging from 10 Kt (and possibly lower yields) to 340 Kt. This is a modified Mod 7 with a one-piece case hardened steel center case, and a new nose piece and rear subassembly to provide ground penetration capability for defeating buried targets ("bunker busting"). The parachute assembly has also been removed, and new aerodynamic fins added for high-velocity, accurate delivery. The B61-11 buries itself 3-6 meters underground before detonation, transfering a much higher proportion of the explosion energy to ground shock, compared to surface ############################################################################################################ bursts. The actual warhead itself is identical to the Mod 7. This is the first new model of a U.S. warhead to go into service since warhead production was suspended in 1989. It is being produced by field modification of existing Mod 7s.

milstar: n recent years, many military strategists have advocated the deployment and use of very small tactical nuclear weapons against Third-World adversaries, especially in earth-penetrating roles.8 The two lowest yields of the B61 family lie well within this so-called "mininuke" range. The percent of blast energy converted into shock waves in the earth is extremely sensitive to the depth of the blast. ############################################################################## Thus even a small increase in earth penetrating capability can greatly affect the military utility of a nuclear weapon to hold deeply buried and hardened targets at risk. Hardening of the B61 to allow very high altitude release, with consequent high velocity ground impact, apparently provides such an increase in capability.

milstar: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%AF%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D0%B2%D0%B7%D1%80%D1%8B%D0%B2 1. Dlja srawnenija -Tank tipa T-90 obespechiwaet wiziwaemost ekipaza na 700-750 metrow ot 30 kt ili 2000 metrow ot 475 kt 2. Действие наземного ядерного взрыва мощностью 1 Мт в тротиловом эквиваленте Бомба (боеголовка) касается поверхности земли, срабатывает контактное взрывное устройство. За время от касания до ядерного взрыва она успевает углубиться в грунт на несколько десятков сантиметров. Окончание реакции, начало разлёта вещества бомбы. Глубина воронки в этом месте ~40—50 м, грунт необратимо деформируется на глубину ~100—200 м в зависимости от породы (3—4 глубины воронки)[лит 5] (С. 28, 227). Защитное сооружение под эпицентром возможно в (мягком) грунте на глубине от 300 до 900 м[лит 43] или в однородном граните на глубине 100—200 м в виде особо прочного сооружения[# 7][лит 24][лит 44] с амортизацией и 300—400 м в обычной горной выработке с креплением и без амортизации; в скальной породе но под слоем ~200 м мягкого грунта на глубине до 300 м[лит 5]. Энергия взрыва в нижней части трансформируется в изотермическую полусферу испарившегося грунта радиусом 1,5—2 м[лит 23]. В грунт на начальном этапе передаётся ~7 % всей энергии взрыва, но в дальнейшем эта доля уменьшается до 2,5 % за счёт переизлучения большей части энергии в воздух и выброса нагретого грунта из эпицентральной области. (При взрыве обычного ВВ в грунт идёт ~50 % энергии)[лит 5](С. 23, 198). Ударная волна испаряет и плавит грунт в радиусе 20—30 м[лит 5] (С. 224), [лит 23]. Всего испаряется ~20 тыс. тонн грунта (куб высотой 20—25 м)[лит 5]. Здесь будет граница воронки в скале глубиной до 40 м[лит 5] (С. 227), [лит 46]. На глубине 40 м давление ~200МПа, порода смещается в сторону на ~5 м с ускорением в тысячи g. Особо прочные подземные сооружения (необитаемые) при давлении до 200 МПа в гранитной скале на пределе сохранения[# 7] [лит 24] (С. 26, 29), [лит 4] (С. 82, 83), [лит 47]. Если взрыв в сухом наносном грунте[# 8], то с этого радиуса грунт выбросится со скоростью 54 м/с[лит 1] (С. 238). 200 MPA -eto 2000 atmosfer ili okolo 30 000 psi Na dne Marianskoj vpadini 1100 atmosfer

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